We are working with a range of fantastic local partners, who have booked regular time in Station Hall. Here is a flavour, with more coming soon:
Work Experience Hub
Working with local businesses, students will take on short placements in the morning, whilst using Station Hall as a base for preparation and debriefing. Work experience is a huge opportunity for the students, many of whom have learning disabilities as well as autism, and helps them to feel closer to their community.
Lambeth Welcomes
Lambeth has a proud history of being a borough of welcome and sanctuary. In Autumn 2014, local schools and faith groups that are part of Lambeth Citizens began a campaign to persuade Lambeth Council to resettle refugee families from Syria to the borough.
By Autumn 2017, working in close partnership with Lambeth Council, 20 Syrian and Iraqi families have been resettled, as well as several unaccompanied refugee children who are settling in with foster families in Lambeth.
The 'Refugees Welcome' team works to support these families as they settle into their new communities. We will be working together to ensure that Station Hall supports this amazing work, with opportunities ranging from regular after school social gatherings in the space, to friendship parties, and community collections for redistribution amongst to refugees.
Schools Partnership
The Charter School is a non-selective, state funded secondary school, based a short walk from Station Hall. We are working with the school to pursue a number of initiatives, ranging from giving their older pupils management of teen space at Station Hall one evening every week; to asking media students to document the Station Hall journey; and working with the PTSA to host regular meetings and events in the space.
Our Neighbourhood
Stories of Herne Hill
History display: Sarah Waite is a lifelong Herne HiIllian and is currently studying for a masters in museum archiving. 'Our Neighbourhood: Stories of Herne Hill and its Community' is an exhibition project to engage local residents and visitors in the story of Herne Hill, and to provoke curiosity and reflection on what it means to be part of a ‘neighbourhood.’ The first display will focus on the heart of the local area: Herne Hill Station and the Station approach. If anyone is interested in contributing artefacts, photographs, archives, artwork or personal stories for the display in Station Hall please do get in touch.